Base Image#

Based on this base image, the virtual machine images for these components can be created as described here for the component specific images and here for an image containing all components.


Creation of the VM in VirtualBox#

Download the .iso file from Choose x86_64 as architecture and virtual as image type. Configuration steps in VirtualBox:

  1. Create a new machine.

  2. Choose the downloaded .iso file.

  3. Choose as type Linux and as version Other Linux (64-bit).

  4. Choose 1024 MB of RAM and one core.

  5. Choose Do not add a hard disk.

  6. Finish the setup.

  7. Create a virtual hard disk of type .vmdk of size 4 GB and attach it to the machine (Settings -> Storage -> Controller: SATA). Do not pre-allocate the the storage space.

  8. Start the machine.

Create a Shared Folder#

Create a shared folder called SharedFolder on the host system and add this folder as a shared folder under Settings -> Shared Folders.

Alpine Linux#

Alpine Linux Setup#

When the system is started for the first time, different properties have to be set to finish system setup. This can be done by executing setup-alpine.

  • keymap: de

  • hostname: localhost

  • interface: eth0

  • ip address: dhcp

  • manual network configuration: no

  • root password: none

  • timezone: Europe/Berlin

  • proxy: none

  • network time protocol: chrony

  • mirror: fastest

  • user: no

  • ssh server: none

  • disks: choose earlier created disk

  • disk usage: sys

  • erase disk: yes

Then, shutdown the machine and deselect all options from the boot order except for the hard disk (Settings -> System). Now, restart the machine.

Activate Community Repositories#

To be able to install the VirtualBox Guest Additions and Eclipse Temurin, the community repositories have to be activated in /etc/apk/repositories. Therefore, remove the # in front of them.

Install Eclipse Temurin#


wget -O /etc/apk/keys/

echo '' >> /etc/apk/repositories

apk update && apk upgrade
apk add temurin-17-jdk


Add a Shared Folder (VirtualBox)#


mkdir -p /mnt/shared
apk add virtualbox-guest-additions linux-virt
modprobe -a vboxsf
mount -t vboxsf SharedFolder /mnt/shared

Add to crontab -e:

@reboot mount -t vboxsf SharedFolder /mnt/shared

Add a Shared Folder (VMware player)#


mkdir -p /mnt/shared
apk add open-vm-tools-hgfs
rc-service open-vm-tools start
rc-update add open-vm-tools boot

Add to crontab -e:

@reboot modprobe fuse && /usr/bin/vmhgfs-fuse .host:/SharedFolder /mnt/shared -o subtype=vmhgfs-fuse,allow_other

Deactivate Login Request After Booting#

Make the following changes to /etc/inittab:

  • Comment out:

      tty1::respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
  • Add:


Export the Virtual Machine#

Export the machine as an ova file (File -> Export Appliance) with the following properties:

  • Format: Open Virtualization Format 1.0

  • MAC Address Policy: Include only NAT network adapter MAC addresses.

  • Appliance Settings: Tick only the network adapter checkbox.