AAS Polling Consumer#

The AAS Server as a polling consumer can be integrated with the DataBridge. The AAS Polling consumer component can be configured as a Data Source in the DataBridge.


To configure AAS Server as a polling consumer in the DataBridge you need to provide the unique id, endpoint of the Submodel, idShort path and the api type. Supported API types are BaSyx for DotAAS V2.1 or DotAAS-V3 for Dot AAS V3. It is possible to consume a single SubmodelElement and also the whole Submodel.

If the configuration contains the idShortPath attribute as empty, then the whole Submodel is consumed; otherwise, the SubmodelElement whose idShort path is provided. Please refer to the sample configurations for better understanding.

Sample Configuration for Consuming Submodel#

		"uniqueId": "exampleAAS1",
		"submodelEndpoint": "http://localhost:4001/submodels/dGVsZW1ldHJ5RGF0YVN0cnVjdHVyZVRlc3Q=",
		"idShortPath": "",
                "api": "DotAAS-V3"

Sample Configuration for Consuming SubmodelElement#

		"uniqueId": "exampleAAS3",
		"submodelEndpoint": "http://localhost:4001/shells/TestUpdatedDeviceAAS/aas/submodels/telemetryDataStructureTest/submodel",
		"idShortPath": "pressure",
                "api": "BaSyx"

In the api type DotAAS-V3 configuration for submodelEndpoint attribute, the dGVsZW1ldHJ5RGF0YVN0cnVjdHVyZVRlc3Q= is the Base64 encoded identifier of the Submodel.


The default api type is Dot AAS V2.1 (BaSyx). The attribute uniqueId is an arbitrary unique identifier.

Similarly, you can configure multiple AAS polling consumers inside the configuration file.

Naming Convention#

The name of the AAS polling consumer configuration file should be aaspollingconsumer.json.

Working Example#

The integration example with AAS as a data source, JSONata as a transformer, and MQTT as a data sink is on GitHub DataBridge Example.