The OPC UA client can be integrated with DataBridge. The Milo Client component provides access to OPC UA servers using the Eclipse Milo™ implementation.


To configure OPC UA client source in DataBridge you need to provide the unique id, and the OPC UA server details like host, port, service path along with the node information, and requested publishing interval (in milliseconds) as a query parameter. For more information on query parameters OPC UA Client Query Parameters.

Please note that for using OPC UA, the route trigger type should be configured as “event”!

Sample Configuration#

		"uniqueId": "doublescalar",
		"serverUrl": "",
		"serverPort": 12686,
		"pathToService": "milo",
		"nodeInformation": "ns=2;s=HelloWorld/ScalarTypes/Double",
		"username": "name",
		"password": "secretPassword",
                "requestedPublishingInterval": 50

Note: By default, the requestedPublishingInterval is 1000 milliseconds.

Disclaimer: Please note that only the query parameters i.e. nodeInformation and requestedPublishingInterval in the sample configuration are supported as of now.

Similarly, you can configure multiple OPC UA client consumers inside the configuration file.

Naming Convention#

The name of the OPC UA consumer configuration file should be opcuaconsumer.json.

Working Example#

The integration example with event triggered OPC UA as a data source, with two transformers JSONata and Jackson, and AAS as a data sink is on GitHub DataBridge Example.