The automation protocols such as Modbus, S7 leveraging apache PLC4X can be integrated with DataBridge. Apache PLC4X allows you to communicate directly with your industrial Hardware without retrofitting it [1]. For more information please refer to Apache PLC4X


To configure the PLC4X source in DataBridge you need to provide the unique id, the connection details like host, port, and the service path (), options (), the driver and the tags. The driver could be any of the drivers supported by the PLC4X. For more information on the configuration please refer Camel PLC4X

    • Optional attributes

Sample Configuration#

		"uniqueId": "property1",
		"serverUrl": "localhost",
		"serverPort": 50201,
		"driver": "modbus-tcp",
		"servicePath": "",
		"options": "",
		"tags": [
				"name": "value_1",
				"value": "holding-register:1"

Configuring Options#

There are currently two supported ways for configuring the options for PLC4X:

Option Configuration 1#

		******same config as defined above******

		"options": "period=100&autoReconnect=true",

		******same config as defined above******

Option Configuration 2#

		******same config as defined above******

		"options": [
				"name": "period",
				"value": "100"
				"name": "autoReconnect",
				"value": "true"

		******same config as defined above******

Similarly, you can configure multiple PLC4X inside the configuration file.

Naming Convention#

The name of the PLC4X configuration file should be plc4xconsumer.json.

Working Example#

The integration example with PLC4X as a data source, Json Jackson and JSONata as a transformer, and AAS as a data sink is on GitHub DataBridge Example. and in this article