Extended Examples#

Code snippets#

Code snippets are simple, isolated use-cases that illustrate the use of Eclipse BaSyx. They provide focused recipes that document the intended use of the BaSyx SDK and our reference implementations of Industrie 4.0 middleware components. To keep functional examples simple, code snippets only address selected aspects of Industrie 4.0 implementations. Selected snippets provide a page with documentation. For all snippets, links to executable source code files in the git repository are provided. The snippets itself only contain the code necessary to fulfil their function. Examples on how to use the snippets can be found in the tests for the snippets.

Please keep in mind that not all features are available with all language versions of Eclipse BaSyx. Snippets therefore may only be available for selected languages.

The code for the snippets is available via the Eclipse BaSyx GIT repository:

  • For Java, the code is located in the basyx.example project in package org.eclipse.basyx.examples.snippets

Asset Administration Shell (AAS)#

The Asset Administration Shell snippets illustrate different aspects of the usage of the Asset Administration Shell.




Create AAS

Illustrates how to create an Asset Administration Shell by instantiating a new AAS object.


Add Submodel to AAS

Illustrates how to add a Submodel to an AAS object. If the AAS, the Submodel should be added to, is a ConnectedAAS (the actual AAS data is held on a server) this will upload the Submodel to the server, but not register it. You have to register it manually (see Register Submodel Snippet). Alternatively you can use the use the AASManager to add it (see Manager Snippets below), which will automatically register it.


Retrieve Submodel from AAS

Illustrates how to retrieve a Submodel from an AAS object. If the Submodel to be retrieved is located on a server it is often easier to use the AASManager (see Manager Snippets below) to retrieve it, as you can get the Submodel directly without getting the AAS first.


Delete Submodel from AAS

Illustrates how to delete a Submodel from an AAS object. If the AAS the Submodel should be deleted from is a ConnectedAAS (the actual AAS data is held on a server) this will delete the Submodel from the server, but not deregister it. You have to deregister it manually (see Deregister Submodel Snippet). Alternatively you can use the use the AASManager to delete it (see Manager Snippets below), which will automatically deregister it.


AAS Manager#

These code snippets illustrate how to use the ConnectedAssetAdministrationShellManager for interacting with BaSyx elements hosted on a server.




Push AAS to server

Illustrates how to upload an AAS to a server


Retrieve AAS

Illustrates how to retrieve an AAS from a server using its ID. The retrieved AAS object will be a ConnectedAAS. This “connected” object holds no data locally. Instead it contacts the server for every data transaction.


Delete AAS

Illustrates how to delete an Asset Administration Shell from a server. This will also automatically deregister the AAS.


Add Submodel to AAS

Illustrates how to add a Submodel to an AAS on a server. This will upload the given Submodel to the server and register it to the AAS with the given ID.


Retrieve Submodel from AAS

Illustrates how to retrieve Submodels from a server using its ID and the ID of the AAS it belongs to. The retrieved Submodel object will be a ConnectedSubmodel. This “connected” object holds no data locally. Instead it contacts the server for every data transaction.


Delete Submodel from AAS

Illustrates how to delete a Submodel from an AAS on a server. This will delete the Submodel with the given ID from the AAS with the given ID. It will also automatically deregister the Submodel.


AAS Submodels#

Asset Administration Shell Submodels may be distributed through the network. While an AAS resides on the IT and remains accessible in case of device failures, Submodels may be distributed. Submodels containing static data or information about devices that needs to remain available in case of device failure may be hosted on the IT as well; Submodels containing live data may be hosted on devices, and possibly on products. The following code snippets illustrate the creation, transfer, hosting, and use of AAS Submodels.




Create Submodel

Illustrates how to create a Submodel by instantiating a new Submodel object.


Add Submodel element

Illustrates how to add a Submodel element to a Submodel object


Retrieve Submodel element

Illustrates how to retrieve a Submodel element from a Submodel object


Delete Submodel element

Illustrates how to delete a Submodel element from a Submodel object


Invoke Submodel operation

Illustrates the invokation of an Operation from Submodel object


Host preconfigured Submodel

Illustrates how a preconfigured submodel can be hosted on its own server



The Asset Administration Shell registry enables registration of AAS and Submodels, as well as retrieving previously registered AAS and Submodels by their IDs.




Register AAS

Register AAS descriptors in registry


Lookup AAS

Retrieve AAS descriptors from registry


Deregister AAS

Removes AAS descriptors from registry


Register Submodel

Register a Submodel to an existing AAS descriptor


Lookup Submodel

Retrieve a Submodel from a registry


Deregister Submodel

Removes a Submodel from a registry


Virtual Automation Bus (VAB)#

The Virtual Automation Bus provides end-to-end connection capabilities. The VAB uses gateways to connect network technologies into one virtual, and fully connected network. The network consists of objects, e.g. Asset Administration Shells and Submodels that are accessible through unqiue IDs. The following code snippets illustrate VAB operations and the use of the Virtual Automation Bus.




CRUD operations

Illustrate creation of VAB object and use of create/update/retrieve/delete operations to manipulate it.


Manual HTTP calls

Illustrate manual HTTP operations to access VAB objects via HTTP REST interface


Dynamic property (Lambda)

Illustrate dynamic properties (Lambda expression) in VAB objects.


Dynamic property (Class)

Illustrate the dynamic properties (Class) in VAB objects.


AAS Submodel providers#

Eclipse BaSyx provides pre-created AAS Submodel providers. These servlets connect existing data sources, such as textual configuration files and SQL data bases into Industrie 4.0 environments as AAS Submodels. BaSyx Submodel providers are configured with a configuration API and do not require programming knowledge to integrate data sources into Industrie 4.0 environments as AAS Submodels.

AAS Submodels (Dynamic)#

Asset Administration Shell Submodels may contain dynamic properties and operations. Dynamic properties are properties whose values are generated dynamically at runtime. This may happen for example periodically, or whenever a specific information is requested. Dynamic operations are operations that may be updated at runtime. The following code snippets illustrate dynamic Submodel properties and operations.




Dynamic property (Lambda)

Illustrates the creation and usage of a lambda property (i.e. a property retrieving its value from a backend at runtime)



Eclipse BaSyx advocates the use of URNs as unique identifiers for AAS. Code snippets illustrate the creation and use of URNs.




Construct URNs

Create URNs for AAS and globally idenfied Submodels


Deployment with Docker#

The deployment of the different SDKs and components with docker is explained in its own page.

Monitoring Applications (AAS Dashboards)#

The integration with third-party applications & tools enable the possibility to monitor Asset Administration Shell and visualize its data through Dashboards. The integration and its use is explained in here [page].