Preconfigured AAS & Submodels#

User Story & Use Case#

As AAS Components user

I want to preconfigure AAS and Submodels

so that that AAS and Submodels are available on component startup and can be delivered together with the component

By preconfiguring serialized AAS and Submodels, the AAS Server component can be tailored and be delivered alongside a sold asset. Customers then can easily integrate the tailored component in their infrastructure. For example, a resulting AASX file created with the AASX Package Explorer can be preconfigured.

Feature Overview#

The AAS Server component supports preconfiguring (multiple) serialized AAS & Submodels. Right now, AASX, JSON and XML serializations are supported.

Feature Configuration#


This loads the file myAAS.aasx into the server as soon as it is started. For input files, the json and xml serializations are supported as well:


Additionally, it is possible to specify multiple aas sources using a JSON syntax:
