AAS Server Component

AAS Server Component#

The AAS server component provides an empty AAS server that can be used to host several AAS and Submodels. For its API usage see Aggregator API. Additionally, there’s a video illustrating the configuration and usage in 5 minutes: youtube

For a complete deployment of the AAS infrastructure, additionally to this server a registry is needed. For this registry, the Registry Component can be used.

For illustration on how to create an AAS on the server provided by the component and how to retrieve it see the snippet in the repository.


The AAS Server Components supports a multitude of with a great range of configuration options.

Additionally, it is easy to implement new feature and integrate them into the AAS Server as shown in this example.


The AAS Server image is made available via Docker Hub and can be pulled by:

docker pull eclipsebasyx/aas-server:1.5.0

Alternatively, the command described in Startup section will download the image.


To easily start the AAS server component, you can use the following command:

docker run --name=aas -p 8081:4001 eclipsebasyx/aas-server:1.5.0

Next, the HTTP/REST endpoint of the server with its AAS is accessible via


If there’s no AAS configured during startup, an empty JSON list “[]” will be returned.

And the container can be stopped, started and removed using its name (see –name):

docker stop aas
docker start aas
docker rm aas


As with the other components, the server’s context can be customized using the context configuration.

For the AAS server component, a multitude of features can be configured via the aas.properties file. By default, this configuration file is assumed to be located at “/usr/share/config/aas.properties” within the container.

Thus, another configuration file can be set by mounting a local configuration file into the container during startup. As an example, a local folder containing the configuration files can be mounted using:

docker run --name=aas -p 8081:4001 -v C:/tmp:/usr/share/config eclipsebasyx/aas-server:1.5.0

In this example, the aas.properties file is located in C:/tmp/. Similarly, the AAS source file also needs to be mounted into the docker container.

The features of the AAS Server component are documented on their own page: Features


Within the project, the component can be found in the Java repository at Java. In this project, the executable can take the parameter BASYX_AAS to configure the path of the aas configuration file. For example, you can specify the path of the aas configuration file via

java -jar -DBASYX_AAS="C:/tmp/aas.properties" aas.jar