Registry Component

Registry Component#

The Registry is a central component to the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) infrastructure for looking up available AAS and their contained submodels. Hence, it is realized as a separate component that can also be containerized. Currently, there exists a single Registry component that can be configured to utilize different types of backends.


The AAS Registry Components supports a multitude of features with a great range of configuration options:


The registry image is made available via Docker Hub and can be pulled by:

docker pull eclipsebasyx/aas-registry:1.5.1

Alternatively, the command described in Startup section will download the image.


To easily start the registry component, you can use the following command:

docker run --name=registry -p 8082:4000 eclipsebasyx/aas-registry:1.5.1

Next, the HTTP/REST endpoint of the Registry is accessible via


If no AAS/SM is registered, an empty JSON list “[]” will be returned.

And the container can be stopped, started and removed using its name (see –name):

docker stop registry
docker start registry
docker rm registry


As with the other components, the registry’s context can be customized using the context configuration.

For the AAS Registry component, a multitude of features can be configured via the file. By default, this configuration file is assumed to be located at “/usr/share/config/” within the container.

Thus, another configuration file can be set by mounting a local configuration file into the container during startup. As an example, a local folder containing the configuration files can be mounted using:

docker run --name=registry -p 8082:4000 -v C:/tmp:/usr/share/config eclipsebasyx/aas-registry:1.5.1

In this example, the file is located in C:/tmp/

The features of the AAS Registry component are documented on their own page: Features


Within the project, the component can be found in the Java repository at Java. In this project, the executable can take the parameter BASYX_REGISTRY to configure the path of the registry configuration file. For example, you can specify the path of the registry configuration file via

java -jar -DBASYX_REGISTRY="C:/tmp/" registry.jar