BaSyx Wiki#

Eclipse BaSyx is the open source platform for next generation automation. Our mission is to provide a free software platform that enables all interested parties, large and small industries, research institutes, academia, and interested persons, to participate and to shape the fourth industrial revolution. We believe that the availability of a free reference technology platform is a key success factor for the Industrie 4.0. Eclipse BaSyx therefore provides common and re-useable Industrie 4.0 components and an SDK that supports the development of new Industrie 4.0 software components to enable the rapid development of Industrie 4.0 solutions. This Eclipse BaSyx platform furthermore will provide reference application scenarios for common Industrie 4.0 challenges. Eclipse BaSyx is actively supported by the BaSys 4.0 (Homepage, in German) research project, which is funded by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF, grant no. 01IS16022). BaSys 4.0 researches and specifies key concepts of Industrie 4.0, participates in standardization activities, and integrates existing standards and technologies into an Industrie 4.0 middleware.

About BaSyx and Industrie 4.0

About BaSyx and Industrie 4.0 (video)#

Eclipse BaSyx middleware explained

Eclipse BaSyx middleware explained (video)#

The Eclipse BaSyx middleware implements main Industrie 4.0 concepts and provides the necessary software components to implement numerous Industrie 4.0 applications:

  • End-to-end digitisation of the production (the shopfloor)

  • End-to-end connectivity between shopfloor and IT

  • Peer-to-peer communication between devices and the IT

  • Digital process models, value streams, and product tracking

  • Changeable production processes up to lot size one production

  • Digital twins for processes, products, devices, and more

  • Big data analysis of production processes

  • Pre-configured containers for Industrie 4.0 applications, e.g. predictive maintenance, in-process analysis, and dashboards

  • Automated tracing and documentation of production processes

Application examples that document the application of Eclipse BaSyx are provided in section BaSyx application scenarios.

BaSyx Middleware Documentation#

The documentation of the Eclipse BaSyx middleware is split into the following sub sections:


This section will give you a brief overview of Industrie 4.0 and the Eclipse BaSyx middleware. It also contains a quick start guide that will help you to get started with Eclipse BaSyx.

User Documentation#

This section contains the user documentation of the Eclipse BaSyx middleware.

Developer Documentation#

Research and Resources#

Community and Support#


Appendices and Additional Resources#